Following on from the walk we did earlier in the year, we decided to do another part of the Loch Ryan Coastal Path, this time the stretch form Stranraer to Cairnryan and back. We parked at Balyett rather than in the town and headed off towards Cairnryan. The first part runs along the shoreline and then alongside the A75, this is the worst stretch if the road is busy although there is a pavement.

The path then soon heads up a farm track where it is easier to both see and hear the wildlife.

The cows came to say hello!

A large pile of bales made an interesting abstract shot

Rabbits scattered into the hedgerow

Over the hill and then back towards the shoreline, you can now see Cairnryan in the distance

Down near Leffnoll Point we saw Stonechats...

...and reed warblers

Plenty of Oystercatchers about

Looks like the signs have been used for target practice!

The P&O Ferry heading out of the ferry port on its way to Larne

Interesting boards along the way tell about Loch Ryans role in the second world war, this area was used to store hundreds of railway wagons.

Mike taking some record shots

Royal Navy Rescue Helicopter-no help needed here yet!

Mike getting his feet wet!

Loch Ryan is now an important area for Eider Ducks

The Stena HSS ferry coming in from Belfast to Stranraer.

Lapwings overhead

Near to the ferry port at Cairnryan there were large numbers of Curlew

At last Cairnryan!

Time to turn around and head back

Looks like the Triffids got poor dolly!

Charred wood on the shore

We watched a curious item sailing in-turned aout to be a sandwich container!

Great Black Backed Gull

Patterns in the water

Oops we have disturbed the Oystercatchers-can you spot the leucistic one amongst them?

Light reflecting on the water

Footpath abusers!

Towards Leffnoll Point

A great place for waders and other birds this area aught to be made into a reserve

Mike making sure the gate is closed

Those bales again!

Old wartime remains

A raft of Wigeon

More Oystercatchers

A Turnstone feeding on the shoreline back near the car.
We did about 7 1/2 miles but a great walk, next time we will do the section between Cairnryan and the section we did last time from Glennap.
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