A lovely sunny day although very cold, Decided on a walk to work off some of the Christmas food and still a tetrad to do for the BTO Bird Atlas.

Parked near the shore at Sandhead cut through up the hill past the school and then followed the roads until we reached the footpath to Cairnweil Viewpoint.

Lovely Dry Stane Dyke

Standing stone

Clearly marked path up the hill, lots of redwings and fieldfares about here.

The view over Luce Bay towards the snow covered Galloway Hills

It was surprising how little snow there was in the South Rhins compared to the North Rhins

Muck spreading on tap!

The view from the top

We returned back down the path, there is a pond where we saw a heron and reed buntings in the willows

New born calf

View back down the road

Towards West Freugh

Walked back along the shore, a greenshank feeding with the redshanks, rock pipits , oystercatchers and plenty of gulls