The dreaded alien Himalayan Balsam


Scotch Argus, there were hundreds about

Green Veined White

Garden Spider

Peacock, there were hundreds, great clouds of them!

Ichneumon Fly

Green Veined White on Knapweed


Grass of Parnassus

Emerald Damselfly?

Red Admiral

Haworth's Minor

Cream Spot Ladybird and Soldier Beetle

Ichneumon Fly

Kirsties Cairn

Whats that buzzing in my ears and why do I have a sudden headache?
Great place for a picnic table!!!!!

Ford over the burn

Mini waterfall

Common Puffballs
Likely id suillus sp
View towards Arran

"Poser Pete"
Another Cairn, to remember another shepherd that perished in a snowstorm

Plenty of new cones

Red Breasted Carrion Beetle

Dark Green Fritillary

Northern Spinach

Another Haworth's Minor, darker this time

Female Northern Spinach

Twin Spot Carpet

Northern Spinach

Lesser Common Rustic

Large Yellow Underwing

Dark Marbled Carpet

Lots of flying ants about



Blackish Purple Russula

Roots washed clean in the burn

Small Copper

Seven Spot Ladybird
Thanks for looking in and unconfirming my wrong identification of a scotch argus especially since I was so far out of it's range. At least now I think I would recognise one without a book.
Loved the trek and all the great photos. Some of them could have been made right around here, especially the one with the high tension lines passing over the picnic table. There is a near identical spot in the southern part of our county.
A great set of photos! Nice. Enjoying your blog.
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