We went up on the moors as it was a lovely day, to look for Green Hairstreaks and Emperor Moths. We werent dissapointed but unfortunately didnt get a photo of the Emperors as they wouldnt settle so here is some I took at the same spot on 1st May last year.

Emperors mating.

Male Emperor.

Female Emperor

Lots of Warblers about Willow, Sedge, Chiffchaff and Grasshopper heard

Female Whinchat?

Rove Beetle

Meadow Pipit


Spider (larinioides-cornutus) eating Large Red Damselfly

Female Large Red Damselfly

Dozens of Green Hairstreak butterflies about

Garden Tiger Moth caterpillar

Drinker Moth caterpillar-lots of these about!

These are both Dark Tussock Moth caterpillars at different stages

Lots of Common Heath moths about

..and two adders seen!