A cold winters day up on the Southern Upland Way doing a TTV for the BTO Bird Atlas

Stopped on the way near Castle Kennedy to scan the geese for anything unusual. There was a mix of mostly greylag with some whitefronts and barnacles.

Off on our walk, the simple but distinctive Southern Upland Way sign

Views not bad today with still some snow on the mountains

Reed buntings, about 6, in the willow trees where we had seen them on a previous visit

Distant wind farm

We crept up slowly on this loch as we had seen large numbers of teal here previously but today it was frozen and no signs of life

A fuzzy hoody hybrid

We then came across 3 roe deer crossing our path. We stopped and whilst observing a dog walker (the only other person seen that day) caught up with us and asked what we were watching. We pointed out the deer and he watched for a while with us whilst his old dog showed no interest and drank from the burn. He then said goodbye and wished us happy birding whilst turning back as he did not wish to disturb the wildlife we were watching-now that makes a very refreshing change!!

There ae lovely dry stane dykes alongside this path, usually alive with wrens, but not many about today

And finally a buzzard seen hovering on our way back.
1 comment:
you capture the beauty and the atmosphere. love your photos.
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