My birthday weekend so a good excuse to visit New Abbey for lunch and to collect my prize for winning the Sweetheart Abbey photo competition in the Abbey Cottage Tearooms. Would thoroughly recommend a visit to these award winning tearooms as the food and service is excellent! They also have lovely gift shop and small gallery.
Our plan was lunch at the tearooms and then walk it off with a walk up to the Waterloo Monument on the hill above New Abbey.

A few photos of Sweetheart Abbey…

…before setting off for a walk

View from the Sweetheart Abbey carpark

We parked in the small car park by Glen Burn which is up the lane past the Mill Pond by New Abbey Corn Mill. We then headed up the hill to the Waterloo Monument

Old Oak

Already the views were amazing! (Click to view larger)

Sweetheart Abbey…

…now getting smaller and smaller!

Loch Kindar with the Solway beyond and Cumbria in the distance.

Not sure what these are for!

A steep climb but well worth it!

Tower and view

Not easy but you can climb to the top

The steps are tricky and beware when you get to the top there are no railings! Jelly legs time!

Erected to record the Valour
Of those British, Belgian and Prufsian soldiers:
On the 18th June 1810
Gained the Victory
By which French Tyranny
Was overthrown
And Peace restored
To the World

Panorama (click to view larger)

Autumn colours Shambellie Woods

Click to view larger


Loch Kindar
What an amazing walk that was, the views are simply stunning!

Oh and look what was waiting for me for tea!
Next day we headed down to RSPB Mersehead.

This character was waiting in the track to the reserve!

Lots of Rosa rugosa hips still about, a lot have been eaten by the Greenfinches though, look out for their red beaks!

Still plenty of Red Admiral butterflies about

Panorama from the Bruiach hide

Its good to see the water has returned, last time we visited these wetlands had all dried up!

Panorama from the Meida hide

The Barnies are back!

What an amazing sound they make when flying over!

Tree Sparrow with no tail seen from the Visitor Centre
A lovely weekend!