A selection of the butterflies and moths we have found during June. Some in our garden, in the moth trap or just on our walks in Dumfries and Galloway.

The Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae

Aethes cnicana

Bactra lancealana

unknown bird dropping moth

Blastobasis lacticolella

Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata

Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata

Buff Ermine Spilosoma luteum

Caloptilia syringella

Celypha lacunana

Chimney Sweeper Odezia atrata

Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata

Clouded-bordered Brindle Apamea crenata

Common Wave Cabera exanthemata

Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus)

Common Heath Ematurga atomaria

Common Heath Ematurga atomaria

Common White Wave Cabera pusaria

Bactra lancealana

Bactra lancealana

Grey Dagger Acronicta psi

Grey Dagger Acronicta psi

Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum

Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum face

Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa

Epiblema cynosbatella

Flame Carpet Xanthorhoe designata

Flame Shoulder Ochropleura plecta

Garden Grass Veneer Chrysoteuchia culmella

Garden Grass Veneer Chrysoteuchia culmella

This wing found under the moth trap, baffled us first but then we identified it as a Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli but had not had a live one, until…

…the next day Male Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli

Male Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli

… and later in the month - female Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli

Female Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli

Green Arches Anaplectoides prasina

Green caterpillar

Grey Pug Eupithecia subfuscata

Gypsonoma sp pos sociana

Hairy caterpillar prob Ruby Tiger

Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendica mendica

July Belle Scotopteryx luridata

Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis

Large Skipper ( Ochlodes venatus )

Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba

Large Yellow Underwing face Noctua pronuba

The Lychnis Hadena bicruris

The Magpie Abraxas grossulariata caterpillar

Any ideas?

Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata

pos Eucosma cana

Red-necked Footman Atolmis rubricollis

Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus)

The Rivulet Perizoma affinitata

Sandy Carpet Perizoma flavofasciata

Scarce Footman Eilema complana caterpillar

Scoparia ambigualis

Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata – tons of these around!

Silver Hook Deltote uncula

Six-Spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulae caterpillar

Six-Spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulae

Mating frenzy!

Small Copper ( Lycaena phaleas )

Small Fan-foot Herminia grisealis

Small Heath butterfly

Micro Cydia sp

Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary ( Boloria selene )

Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary ( Boloria selene )

Small Tortoiseshell butterfly ( Nymphalis urticae )

Straw Dot Rivula sericealis

Wall butterfly (Lasiommata megera)

Wall butterfly (Lasiommata megera)

White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda

White Ermine underside