Although we have visited Loch Trool many times, we had never actually done the Loch Trool circular walk. It was a lovely September day so we got up early and decided to make a day of it.

We parked in the small car park at the Southern end of the lock and crossed the bridge to join the path.
Our first sightings were butterflies, first a peacock...

...and then a Painted Lady

Beautifull bright red berries beside the path.

This part of the walk goes through what was once the Caldoons Campsite, I remember it being very popular back in 70s/80s.

Not very good picture but managed to spot a Black Darter, I have not seen one before.

We then walked through part of a coniferous woods, by a burn and noticed that the cobwebs were shimmering in the morning sunlight, looking like cd's hanging in the trees.

The walk eventually leads down to the loch side, where almost walked into this spider, with its web draped between trees.

The reflections in the loch were beautiful...

I took this photo of the map and realised later that the view on the front, I think was where I took the photo!

We had recently had a lot of rain so the burns and waterfalls were flowing well.

My little gnome, always sat on a rock somewhere, usually trying to get a better shot than me!

This Forestry Commission property was one of five that the FC asked for ideas. You had to submit your business ideas for the oportunity to run your business from one of these beautiful locations. Not much appears to be happening from here yet. It would be the ideal location for a Nature Field Study Centre.

Still boarded up, I just hope it is brought back to life soon.

Not far from the property at the north end of the loch are these beautiful waterfalls

This ancient oak woods is managed by the Cree Valley Woodlands Trust

From Bruces Stone

Plaque to mark the Battle of Trool in 1307...

..and another to show a more peaceful side.

The path follows the road for a short while bfore turning into a coniferous woods

Nearing the end of our walk now and looking back up the loch.

One of the highlights of the walk was the variety of fungi seen... are just a few...

...and a few more

A brilliant walk, recently mentioned in one of the National newspapers as one of the best and I would agree!