On 30th August I volunteered (for my sins) to man the West Galloway SOC (Scottish Ornithological Club) at the Galloway Wood Festival at Kirroughtree, Dumfries & Galloway organised by the Forestry Commission. The weather deteriorated throughout the day to the extent that some of the sight was flooded. A few hardy souls were still determined to have a good day out clad in macs and wellies and it was good to chat to people, especially the children, about the wildlife in their gardens. The company was good in our marquee with the rest of the wildlife and conservation groups, including the Cree Valley Woodland Trust, Dumfries & Galloway Environmental Resource Centre, Solway Firth Partnership, the Bat Conservation Trust and the SAC. It should have been a good photoshoot but unfortunately the weather spoilt things a bit. I did however, manage a few shots....