Well its about time I posted again, I hadnt realised that it was nearly May and I hadnt added anything since last year. We have been very busy at Wildforms and now sell lots of plants including wild flowers and herbs. It keeps me very busy in the potting shed and greenhouse and out in the fresh air away from the computer. There have been highs and lows so far this year including a couple of days break at Dumfries Hospital having another minor operation on my nose. It caused a bit of disruption but at least I can now breath again.

Enough about me, more importantly lets get back to the wildlife. Lots of seals about around the Rhins coast this year, which are a pleasure to watch. Have seen deer, a red squirrel, loads of hares, stoats, voles & wood mice in and around the garden this year. A hare comes through the garden quite regularly and if we keep very still can come within a few feet.

The pond is full of life, it looked so bare and neglected when we moved in but we put in plenty of plants and pond snail. It is teamimg with newts of all sizes and there was plenty of frogspawn laid earlier in the year. It was fun listening to the frogs as they were so vocal. I havnt seen any toadspawn but there is usually plenty of toads about.

We have seen plenty of different birds this year including a male Hen Harrier.

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