Nearly didnt go on our New Year trip as we were worried about the road conditions. Checked Traffic Scotland and decided the main roads where pretty good so went ahead. Our main problem on the journey was the screen wash froze up and although the roads were pretty good the laybys werent so wasnt easy to stop and with all the salt on the roads the windscreen needed clearing regularly. We made it to Dumbarton in the daylight and crashed out at the Travelodge after a stressful journey.

The next morning up sharp and decided not to go far and stick to the main roads again. Headed up to Luss and found the carpark wasnt too icy unlike the Travelodge carpark. Snow wasnt that bad on the western shore of Loch Lomond but the Mountains were pretty white and Ben Lomond looked lovely.

A beautiful day with blue skys but bitterly cold.

Had a wonder along the shore and a look at Luss church, pretty place.

Reached the wooden bridge over the river and straight away saw a dipper, but sadly didnt manage a shot. Followed the path to the shore

Not much water about, all frozen

Robin on the ice.

Frozen edges to the river

He will risk life and limb just to get a beter shot than me!


Luss Pier

Redwing on the beach

Male Mallard..

... and female, with rosey cheeks, I think it was the cold!

Wherever we went a Robin soon appeared and back at the car this one shared our cherry cake!

We then set off up the Luss Valley for a longer walk, was this the same robin following us or another? Sorry no more cherry cake!

A redwing in the undergrowth, plenty about.

Every little burn and waterfall was frozen.

Hills looked tempting but wouldnt make it in the light. The small dot near the top of the hill was people though.

Plenty of deer about

We flushed several woodcock and got this brief glimpse of a Snipe on our way back down the valley.
A good day out and back to crash out for a while before going over the road for a carvery.

Next morning we again set off early this time for Balloch Country Park. More snow this side of the loch and the birds in the carpark looked pretty cold and hungry.

Empty seats in the park

White mountain and mist.

A frozen swan

Early morning light on the ice

Balloch Castle, we wish we had bought the sledge!

Frozen pebbles on the shore

and ice on the waters edge

Reflected clouds

Back at the carpark we decided to give some food to the hungry birds, but within minutes about six grey squirrels appeared.

Lovely to see but sad that they werent red, at home these would be shot on sight.

We called this one Fang, I think he needs to see a dentist!

Back to Loch Lomond Shore and this was the carpark, I dont think the sign was necessary!

The Loch was partially frozen, -10 the previous night and even the Clyde was partly frozen!

Maid of the Loch surrounded by ice.

Plenty of gulls about

A "white winger" Glaucous I believe
Getting hungry now and time to get out of the cold. Into Jenners for Sausage in Rosemary and red onion gravy with mash and Yorkshires-2 meals for £10 and apple pie for just £1, well stuffed!

Decided to risk the mountain road to Garelochhead, lovely road and well cleared. Garelochhead a pretty little place but would hate to live in the shadow of Faslane.


Still some light left when we headed back to Dumbarton so decided to watch the sun go down at Bowling Harbour.

The canal was frozen

Wooden sculptures

Decaying boats

Rabbit prints on the frozen canal

Sunset over the Clyde

Erskine Bridge

A lovely ending the a great day.

Next moring we set off back home, stopping off at Lochwinnoch. We were surprized to see it was completely frozen and people were making the most of it.

Ice hockey


The vistitor centre from the ice, we ventured onto the ice ourselves, aparently it was 16inches thick!

A female Bullfinch

On the way back we stopped to take a few shots at Ardrossan Windfarm

Reeds in the snow.

Dunure Castle

Lunchtime at Maidens

Arran in the distance

Maidens looking towards Culzean.