Son Mike was going to Portpatrick to take photos of the Portpatrick Folk Festival, so we decided to tag along to see what was happening outside.

The festival is opened by a lone piper out on the rock overlooking the harbour.

We watched the young piper do a grand job in the cold wind, with his proud family looking on.

The Saltire was flying well above him

Yacht coming into the harbour

..and this one left it too late and got stranded!

Gypsy caravan used as the folk festival box office.

Strange folk about!

Dark skies about the Portpatrick Hotel up on the cliffs.

Sun setting on the water.

Waves crashing onto the rocks.

Patterns in the sand

Portpatrick Lighthouse

Banners for The Belhaven Portpatrick Folk Festival

Evening light on the lighthouse with stranded yacht.

Golden light and dark skies.

Rainbow over the village

The Box Office

Rainbow and that yavht is still stranded!

The rock

Harbour boats

It did eventually break free as the tide came in again.

Lights begnning to reflect on the water

The grandest hotel in the area

Getting dark

Plenty going on in the pubs

Time to go home as getting pretty cold and dark