A short trip down to Lady Bay as it was a nice sunny day. On the way we encountered a baby rabbit in the road, we stopped the car as we were unsure if it was ok and were worried it was going to get run over. It then decided to run under the car and sheltered under the wheel so I had no choice but to pick it up. I was very careful, but it screamed as if I was really hurting it. I let it go but it ran into the road again. I chased it up the road agin and pick it up, this time it didnt squeal so I put it the other side of the hedge so it was out of danger.

When we got down to Lady Bay we had the place to ourselves, apart from all the bird life. We walked to the next bay and say plenty of Oystercatchers, Ringed Plovers on the rocks......

and Gannets flying past.

We say on the lichen covered rocks for a while

and watched both the Stenaline and P&O Ferries go past.

A large wake comes from the Stena HSS Ferry,

for which there are warnings, so we sat on a high rock and watched the waves come in and crash over the rocks.

There was a large raft of Eider Ducks near the rocks,

some displaying, so we sat and watched and listened to the strange noises they make.

On our return along the shore we found a stranded starfish in the rock pools.

Back by the car warblers and many other birds could be heard in the trees.

The horsetails were just emerging from the ground and the wild plum blossom, fully out looked beautiful against the blue sky.