On 27th May 2007 I heard a commotion coming from the bird table in front of the webcam. When I went into the conservatory I found out the reason, a sparrowhawk had tried to get one of the birds feeding and had ended up in the conservatory. It nearly knocked itself out trying to escape but managed to find the open door eventually, not before I managed to take just one shot!

Friday was beautiful here and as there was no Springwatch on ( yes of course we are watching it!) we went out for a coastal walk. We are still doing the Ringed Plover count for the BTO but didnt see any at all. We did see Stonechats, Herring Gull chicks and Fulmars though. We were just about to turn back when Pete shouted that he had found a chick on the beach. We watched it at a distance, but then it walked straight towards us, so I took lots of pictures and then we left it alone so its Mum could find it. I think it was an Oystercatcher, there are certainly plenty of them about here.

It is pouring today and all the birds, especially the young ones are looking very bedraggled. Pete found a baby blutit by the burn this morning, dangerously close to being drowned. He picked it up and it hopped up his arm onto his shoulder and was then chrping to be fed. Pete quickly put it on a low branch, then at a distance, watched until its Mum came back and fed it.
Friday was beautiful here and as there was no Springwatch on ( yes of course we are watching it!) we went out for a coastal walk. We are still doing the Ringed Plover count for the BTO but didnt see any at all. We did see Stonechats, Herring Gull chicks and Fulmars though. We were just about to turn back when Pete shouted that he had found a chick on the beach. We watched it at a distance, but then it walked straight towards us, so I took lots of pictures and then we left it alone so its Mum could find it. I think it was an Oystercatcher, there are certainly plenty of them about here.