Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Signs of Spring Jan Feb 2011

Crocus in the lawn


These Long Tailed Tits have become regulars on the feeders lately

A Mottled Umber Moth on the kitchen window 17th January

Toadstools growing from a stump

Thousands of geese about, these flew right over the house

and these were just up the road

Ponies near Cairn Pat

Cleaning out the nest boxes at the end of January, Pete found these unhatched eggs

Yellowhammer-a rare visitor to the garden

and a common visitor!

Great clouds!

Frogs mating in the pond but this one appears to be blind in one eye.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birds & Boats Stranraer Harbour January 2011

Thought it about time I made a start on my blog this year. Not been out much as weather has been pretty bad, but have had a couple of sunny cold days.

Watched this Great Black Backed Gull fishing in Stranraer Harbour for some time, he was having more luck than the other gulls so everytime he came up he was mobbed.

Dive, dive, dive!

He was also being shadowed by a shag

Scaup in the harbour

Looking out for scraps!

Stranraer harbour from Gallowhill

Ice bubbles in Agnew Park

Starling on the lookout

Colourful nets


Rooks-such intelligent birds

Rock Pipit

Reflected Stena Caledonia

Fishing boats

Stranraer Marina